SENASICA reported that the outbreaks were located in both the San Francisco de los Romo and Aguascalientes City municipalities. These areas are approximately 22 kilometers from one another. The notice indicates that signs of the event first occurred on January 3, 2013, when a San Francisco de los Romo producer noticed clinical signs of avian influenza and notified appropriate officials. On January 7, 2013, SENASICA officially confirmed through virus isolation that the problem was AH7N3 virus – with a 99 percent similarity in the genetic sequence to the June 2012 outbreak (See MX2040, MX2043, MX2044, MX2053). In addition, during this time SENASICA conducted active surveillance of the area and detected the outbreak in Aguascalientes City. Sanitary authorities proceeded to slaughter 284,755 layers and introduce other quarantine measures (e.g., restricted movement and disinfection). SENASICA has reported that they have intensified epidemiological efforts and issued 6 million doses of vaccines to farms located in the surrounding perimeter. (NOTE: There are reportedly 7 farms (2 layer and 5 broiler) in the close proximity to the 2 outbreak sites and an additional 15 farms (2 more layer and 13 more broiler) in the surrounding area.) Also, SENASICA established 7 verification and inspection points across the state to prevent unauthorized movements of live birds, their products, and by-products. Read More

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