California Poultry Meat Qualitiy Assurance Plan

The thirteen core components of the California Poultry Meat Quality Assurance Plan are as follows:


1. Designate an employee or employees as the official quality control supervisor(s) for in-house operations and continuing education.

2. Complete Educational/training programs in the following areas: Preparing A Quality Assurance Plan; Flock Health Management; Vector and Rodent Control; and Cleaning Disinfection and Biosecurity.

3. Develop a farm/premises flock poultry meat quality assurance plan.


4. Purchase or produce eggs, chicks, poults, ducklings or other birds from breeders and hatcheries participating in the National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) as applicable by species.

5. Decontaminate vehicles transporting live birds between hatchery and/or live production facilities.

6. Follow on a regular basis a cleaning and disinfecting program for live production buildings and equipment.

7. Obtain feed from mills that follow accepted feed industry Good Manufacturing Practices and the Recommended Salmonella Control for Processors of Livestock and Poultry Feeds, 1988, by the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) or an equivalent program.

8. If used, animal protein ingredients must originate from rendering plants participating in the Animal Protein Producers Industry (APPI) Salmonella Reduction Education Program or equivalent.

9. If used, medications, feed additives and pesticides must be administered according to approved label directions or under veterinary supervision.

10. Maintain an effective flock health program, which can include appropriate vaccinations, monitoring, and periodic necropsy.

11. Maintain a farm rodent monitoring and control program.

12. Maintain a litter management program.

13. Utilize a farm biosecurity plan.


Quality Assurance Plan Documents