As a poultry producer, you think about your intestinal integrity (I2) program all year. Even though many of you will have your program planned out a year in advance, it’s important to be open to making adjustments. For example, if you notice a loss in performance once birds get to the processing facility, you may need to re-evaluate your I2 program.

The obvious first thing to look for is coccidiosis.

Management Strategies to Improve Poultry Intestinal Integrity

Having an anticoccidial plan in place all year round to help control coccidiosis (cocci) is important. However, it’s especially important during the winter and early spring because this is when cocci is going to be the most challenging.

When temperatures start to drop, maintaining ventilation and keeping litter dry becomes more challenging.

“Ventilation requires the use of fans, which bring outside air into the barn,” says Maggie Thompson, DVM, a Poultry Technical Consultant with Elanco Animal Health. “During the winter, these fans are bringing cool, damp air into the barn and can counteract your attempts to maintain barn temperatures. How well you manage litter quality in the winter can affect performance into the next season. Read more