“We are thankful and support the action that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has taken, and appreciate the one year volume reduction, but, quite frankly, chicken producers need a much longer term and permanent solution,” said NCC President Mike Brown today in testimony.  “Congress created this mess, and ultimately, Congress must fix it.” Brown testified this morning at an EPA public hearing for the 2014 standards under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) program.  EPA released on November 15th a proposed 2014 RFS standard that will reduce the conventional fuel mandate (corn-based ethanol) from the originally required 14.4 billion gallons to 13.0 billion gallons.  Congress sets the renewable fuels volume mandates, but EPA can administratively lower the requirement in certain situations.  “EPA’s announcement was a good first and welcome step, but ultimately, Congress must act,” Brown told the agency.  “Congressional action to repeal the RFS remains the most viable pathway to allowing all users of corn to have equal standing in the marketplace.”  Read More

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